Public Health Palliative Care International (PHPCI) Konferenz 2024


Wir laden Sie herzlich ein zur 8. Internationalen Konferenz «Public Health Palliative Care» in Bern! Dieser Grossanlass für Fachpersonen und die Bevölkerung wird alle zwei Jahre durchgeführt und findet vom 22. – 25. Oktober 2024 im und rund um das Kornhausforum statt. Neben Fachveranstaltungen erwarten Sie diverse Aktivitäten und Anlässe in der Stadt Bern rund um ein gefühlt schwieriges Thema: es geht um das Lebensende in unserer Gesellschaft, in unserer Stadt, Gemeinde und Region. Dabei wird es nicht nur um das Sterben und den Tod gehen, sondern auch um Trauer, «caregiving» und insbesondere um das Leben! Seien Sie Teil einer Gesellschaft, die sich gegenseitig Sorge trägt und unterstützt, wenn wir selbst davon betroffen sind. Bauen Sie mit uns Brücken – zwischen der Wissenschaft und der Gesellschaft, zwischen Fachinstitutionen und dem Erleben zuhause, zwischen Leben und Tod, zwischen mir und dir.

Wir freuen uns auf Sie! 

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On behalf of PHPCI and the scientific committee of PHPCI 2024, we warmly welcome you to this international conference showcasing the state of the art in research and practice of public health and palliative care. We are delighted to present you with a stimulating conference program at the venue of the conference, as well as an exciting cultural program outside in the city of Bern.

Prof. Luc Deliens, MSc, MA, PhD - Sociologist

President  |  Public Health Palliative Care International  |


As the Mayor of the City of Bern and as the patron of the Bern Charter for ‘together for an end of life in dignity’ and the Compassionate City “Bärn treit” (, I cordially invite all of you to come to our beautiful city and to attend the next PHPCI conference being held in Bern, the federal Capital of Switzerland. Bern is well located and due to its reputation as a’ 5-minute city’, a perfect location for the conference. In recent years, Bern has strongly embraced the topic of dealing with dying, death and mourning. I am convinced that we in Bern are creating a culture of being there for each other – in compassion.  

Alec von Graffenried

Mayor of Bern


Welcome to Bern in 2024! It is an enormous honour to host the next PHPCI conference. You can expect an inspiring program: we plan to closely connect the scientific program with the city program. Specific attention will also be paid to language, culture and translation: parts of the program will be specifically designed for participants from German speaking countries and – of course –  for our Swiss colleagues. We also will give special consideration to the high prices in our country: a number of travel grant and free tickets may help participants from all parts of the world to join, discuss, and experience with all of us the spirit of PHPCI: compassion and solidarity are the most important ingredients of a human world. Come to Bern!

Steffen Eychmüller, Prof. Dr. med., MME
Ärztlicher Leiter, Chefarzt

Universitäres Zentrum für Palliative Care, Inselspital, Universitätsspital Bern